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March 20, 2019 testosterone

Low Testosterone Therapy There are many things that factor into the overall cost of your low testosterone therapy.

Testosterone replacement therapy is prescribed to treat patients diagnosed with low testosterone. Testosterone therapy is available in several forms. Our doctors believe that testosterone injections are the safest and most effective form of testosterone replacement. Therefore, the prices discussed on this page will be for testosterone injections.

Also, testosterone therapy is more commonly prescribed for men than it is for women. Women can be prescribed testosterone, but if so, they usually will require a far lesser amount than men. Therefore, any prices discussed on this page mainly pertain to testosterone therapy treatment costs for men, particularly as regards the prices of testosterone medication.

Several things factor into your total cost of treating low testosterone, such as lab work, doctor’s visits, and the cost of your testosterone prescription medication, in this case, the cost of testosterone injections.

March 13, 2019 testosterone

Is Testosterone Therapy Safe and EffectiveAn online search to find out is testosterone therapy safe and effective can yield confusing results. One trusted medical site tells you that it is while another says that it is not. All you know is that the symptoms of testosterone deficiency (Low T) are interfering with your life. What are you supposed to do and who do you believe?

March 7, 2019 testosterone

Testosterone replacement Therapy after Radical ProstatectomyA man is most at risk for low testosterone levels as he ages, the same time the incidence of prostate cancer rises. In this report, we look at the use of testosterone replacement therapy after radical prostatectomy. Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) treatment is beneficial for many men who suffer extreme symptoms of low testosterone (Low T) following prostate cancer (PC) surgery. Other reasons to consider testosterone therapy include:depression, decreased bone density, muscle loss, weight gain, and erectile dysfunction.

March 6, 2019 testosterone

Testostrone and Prostate cancerEmerging evidence and research are clearing the way for more men to receive testosterone therapy after prostate cancer (PC). Once a taboo subject, many doctors now believe the quality of life benefits of testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) following treatment for prostate cancer far outweigh the small risk potential. It may even be that TRT lowers the risk of cancer recurrence in men.

February 25, 2019 testosterone

Testosterone Therapy Studies 2019Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is one of the most widely studied types of hormone treatment. For over 80 years, doctors have prescribed TRT to men for various reasons. Long before anti-depressants were invented, testosterone was the treatment of choice for depression. Today, you can find testosterone replacement therapy studies focused on many areas, including prostate cancer, heart health, breast cancer, urinary and sexual functions, hypogonadism, and safety.

February 8, 2019 testosterone

Prescription for Testosterone Therapy One of the problems adults face when trying to find out how to get a prescription for testosterone therapy online is that many websites are unregulated. Even worse, too many are willing to sell testosterone to buyers who do not have a prescription. The first thing anyone looking for testosterone needs to do is find a legitimate hormone clinic in the US to get a valid prescription.

February 7, 2019 testosterone

GynecomastiaTrusted sourceEnlarged Male Breast Tissue (Gynecomastia)Cleveland ClinicGo to sourceGynecomastia , man boobs, enlarged male breasts – no matter how you look at it, the symptoms are the same. Male breast tissue responds to changes in hormone levels. That is why some infant boys have puffy breasts at birth. It is also why puberty causes some adolescent males to develop enlarged breasts. In this report, we look at the relationship between gynecomastia and testosterone therapy in adult males.

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