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January 22, 2019 testosterone

Testosterone for saleWhen searching for how and where to buy testosterone online, the majority of the results are for bodybuilding, muscle, and steroid websites. That is the last thing that anyone with low testosterone wants to read because the information provided there has nothing to do with reversing the symptoms of testosterone deficiency. It is essential to find a legitimate hormone replacement therapy (HRT) clinic for help.

January 21, 2019 testosterone

Low testosterone is a medical condition, also known as “hypogonadism,” that is caused by a testosterone deficiency.

Testosterone is the most important male hormone. It affects everything in men, from sperm production to libido.

Testosterone deficiency is when your body is not producing enough testosterone. Testosterone deficiency, also known as “hypogonadism,” can happen at any stage of life, particularly when it develops from injury, infection, or some other disease condition.

However, testosterone deficiency is more prevalent among men and women over 40. This is because the most common cause of testosterone deficiency is the steady decline in testosterone that occurs as men and women age. Doctors refer to this condition as an “age-related testosterone deficiency.”

January 18, 2019 testosterone

The Role of Testosterone in Women

Testosterone may be the most important male hormone or androgen. However, testosterone is vital to the health and well-being of women as well.

Though testosterone is often thought of as a “male hormone,” it is an essential hormone for women too. Just as in men, testosterone plays a critical role in mental, physical, and emotional health. Women’s bodies make and need testosterone, albeit in lesser amounts than men’s. In fact, because women require only a small amount of testosterone to maintain good health, in a way, their bodies are even more sensitive to fluctuations in testosterone levels than men’s bodies are.

January 14, 2019 testosterone

Testosterone and Sperm Production

Testosterone is the primary male androgen (sex) hormone that is vital for pubertal maturation and sexual development. Although there are many other critical functions of testosterone in the body (metabolism, heart health, brain support), the Trusted sourceUnderstanding spermatogenesisReproductive Biology and EndocrinologyGo to sourceprocess of spermatogenesis is foremost. What is the connection between testosterone and sperm production, and what happens when a man has Low T? Those are the questions we will answer.

December 25, 2018 testosterone

All men need to be aware of these ten testosterone-boosting foods.

Testosterone is the most important male hormone. Testosterone is responsible for the characteristics we typically consider “male” – facial and body hair, deeper voice, etc. — as well as for your ability to build and maintain lean muscle, and of course, for sexual performance.

As men age, testosterone levels drop. That is an unfortunate fact of life. That is why men between the ages of 35 and 65 — when they are most likely to feel the impacts of age-related testosterone loss – should consider adding these ten foods that can boost testosterone to their regular diets.

December 25, 2018 testosterone

Testosterone Replacement Therapy for Erectile DysfunctionLow testosterone levels do not always mean erectile dysfunction. Conversely, men with ED do not always have Low T. Of course, there are those who face the long list of symptoms associated with testosterone deficiency including ED. How do you know if using testosterone therapy for erectile dysfunction is the right choice for you?

First, let us talk about why testosterone therapy is helpful. Testosterone is the male sex hormone – although it is still important for the female sex drive, as well. When you are in your teenage, and early adult years, your body has more than enough testosterone to fuel its many functions. You feel virile and have no problem achieving and sustaining a hard erection.

December 3, 2018 testosterone

Before you undergo a Trusted sourceWhat is a Vasectomy?Urology Care FoundationGo to sourcevasectomy , make sure you read up on all the facts. You may be surprised at what you learn. Does a vasectomy lower testosterone production is one of the most commonly asked questions. It is often followed by an inquiry as to whether or not sexual desire, arousal, and performance will be affected.

We want to help you understand what is at stake if you get a vasectomy.

November 27, 2018 testosterone

Prostate CancerFor many years, doctors told men that testosterone therapy would increase their prostate cancer risk. However, the incidence of developing prostate cancer increases significantly as men age and their serum testosterone levels decline. That theory would then point to testosterone being protective of prostate health. So, how does high testosterone lead to prostate cancer if that is, in fact true? The research that led to this belief was from the early 1940s when Clarence Hodges and Charles Brenton Huggins noticed that prostate cancer stopped growing when testosterone production declined. Since doctors used testosterone-blocking hormone therapy as a method of prostate cancer treatment, the medical community long held to the belief that men previously diagnosed with prostate cancer must avoid testosterone replacement therapy (TRT).

November 22, 2018 testosterone

There is ongoing research that indicates a connection between poor or disturbed sleep and a drop in testosterone levels. There is also evidence that the reverse is true — men with low testosterone tend to suffer from sleep disorders.

Most men think that once you are over 40, sleep deprivation is just part of the normal part of the aging process. Between working full days at the office, dealing with budgeting, and the everyday stressors of raising a family, it is not uncommon for men to have trouble sleeping and feel fatigued and exhausted throughout the day.

However, sleep deprivation is a serious condition that men should not ignore, and in fact, current research seems to indicate that chronic poor or disturbed sleep may be a sign of low testosterone.

November 21, 2018 testosterone

Testosterone in Development of Sexual AnatomyAt the onset of conception, the embryo can develop into either a female or male, with reproductive system development beginning shortly after oocyte fertilization. The influence of testosterone in development of sexual anatomy, which helps stimulate male sex organs, does not commence until after the formation of the testes.

At the start of development, a group of cells begins to form that will make up the gonads. These cells have no female or male characteristics. The term used to describe this forming tissue is bipotential – meaning it can go in either direction. Without the stimulus to develop into a male, the fetus naturally becomes a female.

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