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HGH Therapy Results Timeline for Adults

HGH Therapy Results Timeline for Adults
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Understanding the timeline of HGH therapy results is a crucial aspect for anyone getting ready to embark on a course of hormone replacement treatment (HRT). Unrealistic expectations often lead to frustration, despair, and quitting HRT before it has the chance to accomplish its goals. Some people increase their dosage without doctor approval in the hopes of speeding the positive benefits. In each of these scenarios, it is often unrealistic expectations and a lack of information behind these actions.

HGH results for women are relatively similar to those of men, with the exception of improved vaginal lubrication for females vs. better erectile functions for males. Everyone will sleep better at night, wake up in the morning feeling refreshed and focused, and have healthier immune and metabolic functions.

Knowing how long for HGH results to arrive can help you determine when it is time to reach out to the hormone clinic to ensure that everything is continuing right on time. For example, real HGH results do not happen overnight. Most people will not notice any changes until approximately two weeks into their treatment. While benefits may start sooner, it means not to expect to see better sleep, more energy, or improved sense of humor before that time.

It also means that two weeks is an average – some people may not notice any changes for a month or so. That is also why we say to wait a few extra weeks after what the average timeline of HGH benefits says before getting worried and racing to call the doctor. Your body may be a bit slower to react. Of course, we do not want you to go for two months without contacting us if you still do not notice any changes. Again, if you go two to three weeks past a time when you should experience results, reach out and call us. HGH Doctor hormone clinic is here to ensure you get the appropriate benefits of HGH therapy.

Another point we want everyone to understand is that of being realistic in terms of HGH and weight loss results. Many adults with growth hormone deficiency (GHD) are overweight. Excess adiposity, especially visceral abdominal fat, is common with GHD. Most women and men lose a significant amount of belly fat without dieting or exercise, although both of those actions will speed the results. However, what you see in the mirror may not always translate to the scale. The reason for that is that your body is also increasing lean muscle while you are losing unwanted fat. Since muscle weighs more than fat, you may not lose as much weight as you would like, but your body composition will improve exponentially.

Understanding the HGH therapy results timeline can help you have realistic expectations for your hormone replacement treatment.

Early HGH Therapy Results – What to Expect During the First Month

HGH results after one monthDuring your first month of growth hormone therapy, almost as soon as that first dose of HGH enters your bloodstream, your body reacts and begins to change in a positive way.

As month 1 of your HGH program progresses, your growth hormone levels will increase, the production and release of IGF increases, and in about two weeks, you will notice a real significant difference. You will find that you are sleeping better, you will see increases in your energy level, and overall vitality.

As you reach the end of your first month of growth hormone therapy, you will feel like a much different person. You will feel stronger, you will start to look better as skin health improves and muscles begin to tighten.

Other HGH Results After 1 Month May Include

  • Improved cognition and a lifting of “mental fogginess”
  • Improved focus and concentration
  • Better mood, fewer feelings of anxiety and depression
  • Improved self-confidence
  • Slight increases in exercise capacity

Better sleep, increased energy, improved focus, and a happier mood are likely results of HGH therapy by the end of the first month.

Two Months of HGH Therapy Results

Two Months of HGH Therapy ResultsAs we continue our exploration of HGH results time, our next focus is on cellular changes. HGH works at the cellular level of the body, increasing cell regeneration and performance.

You may not yet notice many of these changes going on beneath the surface of the skin, but they are happening none the less.

Collagen and elastin production improve, which will soon translate to thicker skin and hair. Enhanced muscle protein synthesis and bone cell production will restore your body’s structural integrity.

You may even begin to notice some of these HGH therapy results by the end of the second month of treatment, or not until month three.

The most common HGH results after 2 months of treatment

  • Improved metabolism translating to more energy
  • Increased sexual thoughts and desires
  • Muscle toning, especially with exercise, begins
  • Some people start to notice less nighttime visual blurriness
  • Reduced feelings of depression
  • Fine lines and wrinkles around the mouth, eyes, and forehead begin to fade

HGH results by the end of the second month start to impact appearance, energy, and sexual performance.

HGH Therapy Results After 3 Months

HGH Therapy Results After 3 MonthsOnce you have been on growth hormone therapy for three months, now you will start to see some of the most dramatic changes in your body from when you first started. At twelve weeks out, you will look and feel physically much stronger. Bone density will have significantly improved, to the point where you are more flexible, and are experiencing less joint stiffness or joint pain. As you continue through month three you will continue to see improvements in your sex drive and sexual performance.

Other HGH Results After 3 Months May Include

  • Further improvement to memory, focus and other cognitive functions
  • Women may experience a reduction in PMS and menopausal symptoms
  • Continued improvements to exercise capacity
  • Improved immune function resulting in greater resistance to sickness and disease
  • Increased improvements to skin and hair health
  • Greater motivation, improved productivity at work

HGH Therapy Results After 4 Months

HGH Therapy Results After Four MonthsAs you come out of your third month of growth hormone therapy, and enter your fourth, this is when you experience your peak results. Fat loss will be significant, as will be your improvement in lean muscle.

You will likely look and feel more “fit” than you have in years. You will experience most if not all the known benefits of HGH replacement such as:

  • More energy
  • Increased stamina
  • Healthy skin and hair
  • Less disrupted sleep
  • Lower cholesterol and increased heart health

Other HGH Results After 4 Months May Include

  • Maximum improvement in energy, weight loss, bone, skin, hair and nail health
  • Significantly reduced joint pain
  • Increased endurance
  • Continued improvements in mental function
  • Improved cardiac function and heart health

HGH Therapy Results: Months Five and Six

HGH Therapy Results Months Five and SixAt this point in the HGH results before and after cycle, most of the changes include improvements in benefits that have come before. Eyesight, hair growth, and body composition continue to improve. HGH 6-month cycle results may also include a return of one’s natural hair color due to enhanced cell regeneration of melanocytes.

By the end of six months of HGH therapy results, total serum cholesterol levels reduce predominantly due to a decline in LDL cholesterol.

As the ratio of HDL to LDL cholesterol improves, a subsequent decrease in cardiovascular events occurs. Favorable lipid changes improve overall cardiovascular health, along with these other benefits for the heart:

  • Decreased inflammatory markers
  • Reduce intimal media thickening
  • Increased cardiac output
  • Enhanced cardiac capacity for exercise
  • Improved left ventricular wall mass
  • Better stroke volume and fractional shortening
  • Decreased blood pressure levels
  • Increased nitric oxide generation (thanks to better levels of IGF-1)
  • Reduced atherosclerosis

As we look at HGH results, 6 months of treatment often brings significant improvements that improve heart health.

Long-Lasting HGH Therapy Results

Long-term HGH therapy results have significant consequences for a person’s health, well-being, and quality of life. Improvements in brain functions help to reduce the risk of dementia and other memory concerns.

Looking at HGH results after 7 months, we often find that most people report a complete reversal in their joint pains and bodily stiffness. Many have noticed these changes months ago, but by now, they are significantly improved. Because of the effects of HGH on bone formation and resorption, a significant increase in bone mineral density lowers the risk of osteoporosis. It may take up to 18 months of HGH therapy for this to become evident, but with each passing month, the bones become stronger. With the renewed lower fracture risk, men and women can feel more secure in their aging.

As HGH therapy results continue, the improvement in body composition and reduced fat mass set their sights on insulin sensitivity. It is known that HGH provides benefits that improve insulin sensitivity and glucose uptake. By the end of one year of treatment with HGH, insulin sensitivity is likely back to a normal baseline. As a result, these long-term HGH before and after results also reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Long-term reviews have shown continuing quality of life benefits for as many as ten years with supplemental HGH. Best results come from working with experienced hormone specialists who provide personalized hormone replacement services. For more information, contact HGH Doctor hormone clinic for a free consultation.

Written by Author - AuthorsDoctors/Authors - Medically reviewed by   Reviewers Reviewers - Created at September 24, 2018 - Updated on April 29, 2021